Everything is Possible Outside - Session Recording
Facilitated By: Christina Pickles
Everything is possible outside - children are more physically active, the natural world enters through all the senses, and community connections are made. In this workshop, we explored the reasons for getting outdoors and our role as adults in these experiences. You will come away with inspiration and practical ideas to create engaging outdoor play spaces and experiences.
Dressing for Winter: Letter for Families - Resource
A letter template for educators to share with families - feel free to adapt to suit your program. Includes local resources for families to obtain clothing at low to no cost.
Created by Tandy Morton, facilitator of the Wild Child Program and Bre Piccolotto, former Strive Data Specialist
Seeing, Wondering, and Investigating in Our Outdoor Spaces - Session Slides
These are the session slides from the Community of Practice: Outdoor Play on May 26, 2021.
At this month's session, we welcomed guest speaker, Jenny Britt. Jenny engaged participants in a discussion centered around prioritizing seeing, exploring and wondering in our outdoor spaces. Embracing children as researchers, who actively participate in pedagogical documentation, allows for more authentic storytelling of the aha moments and wonderings that arise during rich outdoor play experiences.
Getting Started: Tips for Moving Programs Outside - Video
Facilitated by Tandy Morton, from the WildChild program at Childreach
This video is one of the resources created for an outdoor play miniseries called “Tips for Moving Programs Outside”.
Field Play: Tips for Moving Programs Outside - Video
Facilitated by Tandy Morton, from the WildChild program at Childreach
This video is one of the resources created for an outdoor play miniseries called “Tips for Moving Programs Outside”.
Template Letter for Families: Tips for Moving Programs Outside - Resource
An example or template letter to families regarding moving programs outside. Please feel free to use this letter and adjust it specifically to your program's needs.
Example Severe Weather Policy: Tips for Moving Programs Outside - Resource
This example policy is one of the resources created for an outdoor play miniseries called “Tips for Moving Programs Outside”.
Enjoying the Heat: Tips for Moving Programs Outside - Video
Facilitated by Tandy Morton, from the WildChild program at Childreach
This video is one of the resources created for an outdoor play miniseries called “Tips for Moving Programs Outside”.
Tarmac Play: Tips for Moving Programs Outside - Video
Facilitated by Tandy Morton, from the WildChild program at Childreach
This video is one of the resources created for an outdoor play miniseries called “Tips for Moving Programs Outside”.
Rainy Days: Tips for Moving Programs Outside - Video
Facilitated by Tandy Morton, from the WildChild program at Childreach
This video is one of the resources created for an outdoor play miniseries called “Tips for Moving Programs Outside”.
Shopping Your Closet for Winterwear: Tips for Moving Programs Outside - Video
Facilitated by Tandy Morton, from the WildChild program at Childreach
This video is one of the resources created for an outdoor play miniseries called “Tips for Moving Programs Outside”.
Embracing Rain: Tips for Moving Programs Outside - Video
Facilitated by Tandy Morton, from the WildChild program at Childreach
This video is one of the resources created for an outdoor play miniseries called “Tips for Moving Programs Outside”.