Seeing, Wondering, and Investigating in Our Outdoor Spaces - Session Slides

These are the session slides from the Community of Practice: Outdoor Play on May 26, 2021.

At this month's session, we welcomed guest speaker, Jenny Britt. Jenny has been the Outdoor Play Specialist for the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario for the past three years. She is currently involved in a project involving training early learning professionals in partnership with the Lawson Foundation as part of their National Outdoor Play Strategy 2.0. The YMCA of Southwestern Ontario's work is focused on research and dissemination of outdoor pedagogy throughout YMCAS across Canada. To find out more about the Lawson's Outdoor Play Strategy, see this LINK.

Jenny engaged participants in a discussion centered around prioritizing seeing, exploring and wondering in our outdoor spaces. Embracing children as researchers, who actively participate in pedagogical documentation, allows for more authentic storytelling of the aha moments and wonderings that arise during rich outdoor play experiences.

Facilitator Bio

Jenny Britt (she/her) is the Outdoor Play Specialist for the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario.

She is currently involved in a project involving training early learning professionals in partnership with the Lawson Foundation as part of their National Outdoor Play Strategy 2.0. The YMCA of Southwestern Ontario’s work is focused on research and dissemination of outdoor pedagogy throughout YMCAs across Canada.


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