Contact Us
You can also reach us via email, phone, or social media. For phone numbers and emails of the Strive Team, please visit Our Team.
Please come visit us in person, at either the ECE Professional Resource Centre or at the Strive offices, on the second floor of Childreach. For more about our location and hours, please visit Location and Hours.
New Strategic Plan!
We are pleased to share with you our strategic plan for 2024 – 2026, Leading Inspired Learning. The early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector is constantly evolving. This plan outlines the change we want to inspire and the strategies we will implement in the next three years.
Over the next three years, we will leverage our knowledge and expertise to build capacity in the sector. We will strengthen leadership and create opportunities for connection. We will focus on advancing mentorships in all its complex facets. We will embed equity, diversity, and inclusion in all we do.
Together, we will strive to reach our goal of an engaged and empowered early years community.
We hope you will join us in leading inspired learning!
Join the ECE Professional Resource Centre
Strive is here to support all your professional learning needs. We have an inventory of physical resources that can be borrowed to support your program’s needs. You can browse our inventory online before committing to a membership.
In addition, we understand that it may be difficult to attend professional learning events in addition to your work day but that you value your professional growth. That is why we created an online learning platform, Strive Online, with digital resources, prerecorded webinars, live recorded sessions, and printouts that you can access any day, any time! We will continue to grow our online library of resources in response to the community’s needs. Strive Online resources are free to access.
Early Learning Professionals are invited to join the ECE Professional Resource Centre: