Facilitated By: Jodi Roul
This month, we will be gathering in person to make junk journals! A junk journal is described as a book that is made with found and recycled materials to be used as a way to collect and record memories, thoughts, ideas, and inspirations. We will be creating our own personalized junk journals from up-cycled envelopes, papers, and fabric. This beautiful handmade book can then be used as an everyday journal, a planner, a memory book, or as an art journal in both your professional and personal life.
"I started creating junk journals in 2020 after seeing a creator on YouTube make one. This one video led to many others and started her journey into the creative world of junk journals. Creating journals helps me to relax and shut out the outside world for a little while. I'd love to share how I create them with anyone looking for a creative outlet in today's busy world" - Jodi Roul
Here is an example of a beautiful junk journal that Jodi has made.
To access printable poster, please use the following link: Be Well: Creating a Junk Journal 2024
Thursday, March 28
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
265 Maitland Street
London, ON
N6B 2Y3
Free (with the exception of professionals from outside of London, Middlesex, Elgin, and Oxford)
** Ticket Types are based on the county you WORK in