Pathways to Become an RECE Infographic
Becoming a Registered Early Childhood Educator begins with obtaining your Early Childhood Education diploma. We have partnered with Fanshawe College to highlight the many ways to achieve this. Check out the infographic below to find the pathway that best suits you!
The 2nd Annual LCCN Early Years Town Hall
On Wednesday, November 24, 2021, the LCCN, along with partners from Strive and Fanshawe College, hosted our 2nd Annual Early Years Virtual Town Hall.
We gathered with a local parent, employer, child care Executive Director, Registered Early Childhood Educator, and an ECE student for an engaging panel discussion exploring the significant impact of child care both here in London and across Canada.
Together we sought to answer the question, "Why does child care matter, and why should it matter to me?".
The 2nd Annual Early Years Town Hall Fact Sheet
On November 24, 2021, London’s Licensed Child Care Network and Strive hosted its second annual Early Years Town Hall to share the London-Middlesex perspective on “why does child care matter, and why should it matter to me? Panelists included a parent, employer, child care Executive Director, Registered Early Childhood Educator, and an ECL student who were able to share their voice.
Here are some of the key points made in the specific areas discussed with the panelists.