Ep: 29 - Animating Mentorship
With special guests, Haille Ifabumuyi and Kayla Bartlett
Welcome to Leading Inspired Learning: A Strive Podcast! In this episode, Kayla Bartlett, BA, RECE, and Haille Ifabumuyi, HBECL, MA, RECE, co-host to revisit and disseminate their work around mentorship as Community Animators. Though this work was conducted regionally, Kayla and Haille found many similar ideas and needs around mentorship. Together, they discuss how they plan to translate their work into sustainable, accessible actions and resources for the community to support mentoring. Listen, learn, reflect, enjoy!
Ep: 08 - Making Sense of Mentorship (Soundcloud)
Ep: 17 - Cosy Cottage Conversations with Cindy Green and Diane Kashin (Soundcloud)