The Strive Team is delighted to introduce you to Raluca Wood who will be Professional Learning Lead for the next year as Kayla Bartlett steps into Ally Scott’s position during her mat leave.

Raluca is enthusiastic and passionate, and her energy is contagious. We are so excited to learn alongside her this next year. 

We asked Raluca some questions to get to know her a little better. Keep reading to see what she said!


Tell us a bit about yourself…

My name is Raluca Wood. I am a Registered Early Childhood Educator. I am a wife, a daughter, sister, a step-parent and a cat mom. I am a reflective practitioner, a life-long learner and an oldest sibling, therefore our family manager. I love food and will try anything (I seriously mean it). I value organization, critical thinking and cat naps. I enjoy making others laugh; humour is the way I connect with others and how I find and build trust and connection. I have been told my whole life that I have innate leadership skills and I am passionate about the things I care about. I am dedicated to continuing the inner work of accountability and self-awareness, they are tools I have gained along my journey and learning about myself has been so eye-opening and transformative.  I have been in the ECEC sector now for a decade and this new position is such a special way to mark this anniversary.

What is something you’ve learned recently that you’re excited about?

This is challenging, I learn something new every day. I feel as though the more you embrace learning, the more you’re discovering. I engaged in some mentorship work recently with a peer on my preschool team. I was given a front-row seat to someone’s journey and it opened my eyes to how much we can give others just by meeting them where they’re at, helping them recognize their strengths, value building relationships, and encouraging them to express who they are without fear of judgment. I was in awe of how strong we became as a team when we both connected over our love of curriculum and documentation, celebrated our success together, and reflected on ideas that did not work, pivoting together, stepping in for each other, and supporting one another. Now, in theory, I have engaged in enough professional learning to know and understand why this experience was so rewarding, but to see it in practice and not feel as though I have done anything special, it touched my heart. I think of our three weeks together fondly.

What is something you’re unlearning?

I have spent most of my 20s unconditioning from the expectations of my upbringing. While this has been heavy, emotional work, it has also been freeing and rewarding. I am unlearning stereotypes and welcoming perspectives, I am unlearning an obsessive need to be perfect and embracing the learning opportunities that come from failure. I am unlearning others’ ideas of who I am and finding out my own. I am unlearning the pressure of ‘how things look’ and leaning into how things feel. I am intentional about celebrating the journey, rather than surviving to the destination.

Tell us why you chose a career in Early Childhood Education and Care.

I am the oldest of 4 children (cousins) who all grew up together in the same two-bedroom apartment in Baia Mare, Romania. Our mothers were sisters and to make ends meet all of our adults worked. So, I helped my grandparents out with child care, I taught my cousins how to read and write and I took my role seriously. My grandfather was convinced that I was going to be a teacher in my future career and pushed me to pursue languages and I think he really inspired a love of learning into my heart. That’s really where it began for me. Sharing a love of learning with others. When we moved to Canada, I was often asked to ‘babysit’ my parents’ friends' children and then started my own business when I was thirteen. I found great excitement in experiencing others’ successes, being a part of their milestones. I chose ECEC because I felt like it was already such a part of me that why not make money engaging in the same kind of work that came so easily to me? My journey so far has been transformative, personally. While a love and respect for children evolved to a better understanding that what fills my cup is empowering others to see their own potential and being a part of meaning-making in someone’s journey, I think the ECEC sector has been where I belonged from the very beginning.

Tell us about your role…What are you looking forward to in this role?

As the Professional Learning Lead, I am going to be working towards connecting our sector with intentional, meaningful professional learning experiences that empower them to remember their ‘why’. I will be working with all of our counties: London-Middlesex, Elgin and Oxford to build relationships, reflect together and celebrate perspectives. I am looking forward to motivating an incredible team here at Strive. I am only a few days into the role and I am left in awe of their passion, dedication and creativity. I feel immense privilege to be a part of this team, having been an Early Childhood Leadership Degree Intern back in 2017, this is a sweet homecoming for me.

What inspires you?

Oof. This is a long list. I think some standouts are: conversations with leaders in our sector, who show up and do the work, represent the field and advocate. These are the ‘shoulders of giants’ that I stand on; my role-models. When I feel discouraged, I think back to the summer when Sheri Spriggs stepped into my classroom at Fanshawe College and spoke to my heart. It inspired my entire journey and work of elevating the profession. I think of Indigenous resilience and having the privilege to sit at tables alongside stories and really, truly listen. I am inspired by my step-daughter who lives in the moment and is one of the happiest people I know and at fourteen she couldn’t care less about peer pressure or society’s heavy expectations. She is forging her own path and I admire her tenacity so much.

Do you have a favourite quote…

“Promise me you will not spend so much time treading water and trying to keep your head above the waves that you forget, truly forget how much you have always loved to swim.”

-Tyler Knott Gregson


Tell us some things you enjoy doing in your spare time.

I have been spending a lot of time immersed in Brene Brown’s work. She really speaks to me in ways that no other author’s non-fiction work ever has. I am becoming more aware, resilient and accountable because of the conversations I am having with her through her stories. Reading is something I have loved my entire life and I am in awe of how my love for books and stories has changed and evolved as I have gotten older. 

I am also really embracing the seasons. I am going for walks regardless of weather and being intentional about noticing how the world around me changes as the seasons move through. 

In the summer, I will find any reason to go to the beach, it quiets my mind and it thrills my soul. Port Burwell is a personal favourite, I have some cherished memories there.  

I love Sunday afternoon cat naps. They rejuvenate me for the coming week, and they’re fairly short, so my husband and I jokingly refer to them as ‘napatizers’ or ‘snore d’houvres’. 

Camping, watching movies and car rides.

If you were an ice cream flavour, what flavour would you be and why…

Would you believe this is the toughest question? I am completely overthinking this. I think French Vanilla is a flavour I get excited for. It’s predictable, but so super yummy and just sweet enough without being over the top. It’s pretty versatile too, delicious with pie and it’s not an overwhelming taste, but it isn’t bland either.

Welcome to the Strive Team, Raluca! We are so excited!

Join us in extending Raluca a warm welcome by commenting below!


