Child care and early years professionals are a precious commodity and essential part of happy, healthy, and successful communities. Now, more than ever, we know how important it is to have caring adults supporting young children and families.
We are so proud to be a part of this vibrant community and this Professional Spotlight Series aims to recognize the outstanding efforts, innovations, and contributions of our treasured colleagues from across the sector.
We are delighted to introduce you to Caroline Almeida, RECE, Program Supervisor at Whitehills Childcare Association, Sir Arthur Currie location. Caroline was nominated for her passion, dedication, and joy for the early years field. Her story of entering the sector in London and her journey thus far is inspiring and may invigorate other professionals in our early years community.
Keep reading to learn more about Caroline!
Tell us a bit about yourself…
My name is Caroline Lima Miranda Cortez de Almeida and I came to Canada in December 2017. I graduated from Fanshawe College (Early Childhood Education) in 2019. Last year, I graduated from Seneca in Early Childhood Education Administration, and I am currently taking Early Childhood Leadership at Sault College. Back in Brazil, I have bachelors in Portuguese and English Language and Literature and in Pedagogy.
While attending Fanshawe College I was a supply with the YMCA and with the Middlesex EarlyON – Perth Care for Kids, which granted me great opportunities to interact with families and children from multiple communities in the surrounding area of London.
When I graduated from Fanshawe I got an amazing opportunity to join the Whitehills Childcare Association family, where I was an Educator on the floor, supported in the kitchen, became a Lead Educator, and now I am the Supervisor of the SAC (Sir Arthur Currie) location.
I have been so fortunate to have mentors who have been supporting me all the way; I can really feel them rooting for me and guiding me in the right direction.
Even though I am fairly new in the educational field in Canada, I have been working in this area since I was 14 years old, when I started working as a classroom assistant in a small language school. That was when my passion for this field flourished and became my purpose in life.
As I grew professionally and advanced in my studies, I became a teacher at a Bilingual Elementary School in Brazil (a Canadian school that used the curriculum from Manitoba).
I paused my career to move to Canada in 2017 with my whole family, which was quite a challenge at the time. I came to Canada with my three children (Ana, Amanda, and Arthur) and my husband. They are my rock!
Tell us why you chose a pathway in Early Childhood Education and Care…
I believe my passion for the educational field has always been rooted in my soul. I have never imagined myself doing anything different from being around children and supporting them. It was just meant to be.
What does being an Early Childhood Educator mean to you? What is the best part of your role?
I have put a lot of thought into this question. Being an Early Childhood Educator means so many things at the same time. It means commitment, approachability, reliability, responsibility, and most importantly, it means strong relationships. Being an educator means always being there for the children in your care, your families, and your co-workers.
Being able to interact/connect with everyone around us is certainly the best part of our role. We have the ability to build life-long connections with the little ones in our care; this is priceless!
What is something you’ve learned recently that you’re excited about?
I have recently taken a course on Intercultural Communication that fascinated me. It was amazing to learn a variety of strategies on how to effectively communicate with the people around us. I had many AHA moments when we read and discussed micro-aggressions, the ladder of assumption, and perception. This course helped me understand my own biases and inspired me to fight them.
What is something you are unlearning?
I would not say it is something I am unlearning, but it is just something I sometimes forget.
Even though I am very kind and supportive with everyone around me, I often times forget I need to be kind and forgiving to myself, as I establish very high expectations for myself. I would say I am a work in progress, and that is why I simply love having my mentors around, they are always ready to shine a light on all the positives, and to share their wisdom with me.
What advice would you give someone considering pursuing a career in Early Childhood Education?
Be patient, persistent, and empathetic. Be resilient, as challenging days must never overshadow your accomplishments. Celebrate each milestone, as they will motivate you to keep on trying.
Always remember, every new day means a brand-new beginning; a new chance to be loved and spread love; a new chance to try again!
How has professional learning contributed to your practice?
Professional Learning experiences have been fundamental to my professional growth. They have sparkled reflective thinking and presented new routes to explore, and guidelines for better practices.
Tell us about a recent professional learning experience that had a positive impact on you.
I have learned lots about perception at a session of a Leadership Series recently. It got me thinking about how everyone around me may perceive me in such a different way from what I had thought. By no means in a bad way; just so different and wonderful at the same time. It made me realize I need to value my own qualities more.
Do you have a favourite quote?
“You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it.”
– Paulo Coelho
What inspires you?
Stories about overcoming obstacles really inspire me. That is why I love watching movies based on real facts; I find it amazing how people thrive when facing adversity; I always cry though.
Tell us some things you enjoy doing in your spare time.
Spending time with my family, cooking, watching movies, and traveling are definitely some of my favorite things whenever I have some free time.
I really enjoy seeing new places, especially in the fall (my favorite season).
If you were an ice cream flavour, what flavour would you be and why?
If I were an ice cream favour, I would be certainly be “milho verde” (corn).
This was my parent’s favourite flavor and it is mine as well :)
It reminds me of all the summers that we spent at the beach and had a popsicle while admiring the ocean.
I would like to thank Strive for this beautiful initiative to feature Early Childhood Educators from our community. Learning about each of their experiences and professional paths certainly inspires new and experienced educators.
How blessed are we to be able to relate with one another, and to work as a team towards improving our field and better supporting our little ones?
Thank you!
- Caroline
Thank you, Caroline, for everything you do for children, families, and other professionals in this community. Our community is better and stronger because of YOU.
Join us in celebrating Caroline by dropping her a comment below!
Do you know an outstanding early years professional that deserves to be recognized?
Someone who:
takes an active leadership role within their community;
has a demonstrated ability to build strong relationships;
shows a loving and respectful commitment to children, families, and the ECEC profession;
exudes professionalism and maintains enthusiasm for their continued commitment to ongoing professional learning.
Then nominate them to be our next Professional Spotlight!
Email your nominations to