Community of Practice: Leadership

This page offers previous Community of Practice: Leadership discussion prompts and resources.
Access the information below to engage in reflective practice and stay informed about our ongoing sessions.


October 2024

In This Session, We:

  • Consider how you currently invite staff to participate in shaping their professional learning.

  • Discuss strategies on how can we structure meetings so that they are purposeful, engaging, and actionable.

September 2024

In This Session, We:

  • Deconstruct buzzwords and jargon within our practice.

  • Explore and discuss…

    • How do we define these buzzwords?

    • What actions and/or behaviours would demonstrate support in our daily work?

    • What actions and/or behaviours would demonstrate misalignment in our daily work?

August 2024

In This Session, We:

  • Discuss strategies for approaching challenging conversations with families and maintaining professionalism when families question your role or that of your staff.

  • Explore how a lack of communication can hinder partnerships.

  • Reflect on the importance of language when communicating with families.

July 2024

In This Session, We:

  • Explore how to nurture relationships with others and reflect on how these relationships influence our professional practice.

  • Consider how asking questions can nurture curiosity in educators.

  • Reflect on how observing from a place of curiosity can transform the way we respond to challenging situations.

June 2024

This session prompts conversations about educator dispositions and how to support them in our work.

We also explored scenarios involving educators to consider their dispositions, prompting the reflective question: How does being mindful of our team members' dispositions enhance their support in the workplace?

May 2024

In this session, attendees share their experiences and strategies on understanding educator’s viewpoints.

Resources invite individuals to reflect between situations that call for technical-assistance coaching and those that require pedagogical guidance.